Meddilink – Revolutionizing Healthcare Digital Services


Empowering Patients: Your Health, Your Records, Your Module.


Your Comprehensive Health Hub

The Patient Module serves as an educational resource, providing valuable health information, personalized recommendations, and the latest updates tailored to your unique health profile. By prioritizing transparency and accessibility, we aim to enhance your healthcare experience, making it more intuitive, engaging, and tailored to your individual needs. Welcome to a new era of healthcare, where you are at the center of it all with our advanced Patient Module.

Our patient Module features

Putting You in Control: Discover the Patient Module's Personalized Healthcare Solutions.

Appointment Management


Scheduled appointments are given to pace the flow of patients and simultaneously monitor the liability of conversion.


Reminder for patient follow-ups are consistently triggered via WhatsApp/text messages to regularize patient care .

Inventory Control
Inventory Control


Reminder for patient follow-ups are consistently triggered via WhatsApp/text messages to regularize patient care .



Step-by-step intimation is given to the patient during their entire course of treatment

Prescription and Lab Reports

Statutory prescriptions & Laboratory documents are dispensed to the patients in a timely manner according to the doctors’ requirements.

Prescription and Lab Reports
Prescription and Lab Reports

Prescription and Lab Reports

Statutory prescriptions & Laboratory documents are dispensed to the patients in a timely manner according to the doctors’ requirements.

Donor and Surrogacy​

Donor and Surrogacy

Donor/Surrogate information, their selection process, mapping to patient, and entire medical records are discretely recorded into the system as directed by the clinicians.

Explore Our Array of Specialized Modules

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    For immediate assistance, feel free to reach out to us at +91-9929560236 and

    Let's get started on making your experience with us exceptional.